I am so excited to share with you that I have enrolled in a new certification course for fasting offered by Dr. Mindy Pelz who wrote the book "Fast Like a Girl."
I know many people do not agree with the concept of fasting in any way, but intermittent fasting has worked for me. I have read Dr. Mindy's book and learned some really fascinating things about how women's hormonal cycles impact their habits which in turn, impacts their health. With this certification, I will be able to help women who are struggling not only to lose weight, but to conceive, and just feel their best.
I never thought I would be able to go long periods of time without eating because forever, I had been following the eat small meals every 3 hours plan. (Obviously, that did not work.) Last September, I joined "Reset with Dian" where I learned that I can totally manage to go long periods without eating. That was also my introduction into group coaching for managing hormones and balancing blood sugar. The Healthy Metabolic Reset that I offer is exactly that. It is a group program that uses intermittent fasting along with an short elimination period of inflammatory foods allowing the body to naturally heal itself. The body is truly amazing and with proper nutrition, activity and rest, can heal itself in time.
Stay tuned for more info, especially if you are interested in learning more with me!
In good health,